Our theme for the next few weeks is "That's Amazing." Please think of some amazing story elements to post to this page, then take your elements, or someone else's, and write a story with them in your writer's notebooks.

Main Character:

You can copy the information above, paste it to your post, and fill in the required information. Happy writing!

Main Character: Jabbawocky, the misunderstood dancing alien from planet Jabba.
Setting: Planet JabbaBlabba in the Orion Galaxy
Problem: Jabbawocky is only good at one thing... dancing. The problem is, there is no music OR DANCING allowed on his home planet. How can Jabbawocky live by the rules and still be happy?

    Blog Information

    This is a place for us to answer a weekly question or practice a new skill. Sometimes, there will be a homework assignment here. Please remember to answer questions completely. Be sure to use your name only and not nicknames or symbols.
    *** All posts will be approved by Mrs. Myers before they are posted to the blog.


    December 2011
    October 2011
    September 2011
    August 2011

